Create a global standard for unions

Trade unions are deliberately established by the highest laws, such as constitutions, in countries around the world, but are there any unions that are fulfilling their raison d'être?

GlobalUnion works to solve historically unresolved social problems using the law to create global standards for unions around the world to aspire to.

World's first legal super-union

By eliminating and radically innovating various common practices of trade unions that have historically been taken for granted, in line with their original raison d'etre, the GlobalUnion,Statutory 'super' trade unions that are not confined to traditional statutory internal trade unions, which have lost their raison d'être due to subordinate legislation.It is still evolving as a

Operation of use committees.

As well as black-owned companies that do not accept collective bargaining,The fact that there are black trade unions that do not want to negotiate collectively is a very big social problem.This is the case. This means that no matter how much the employers try to face the workers for sound management, they are hampered by black trade unions that abuse the strong rights of trade unions.

Workers' disposable incomes UP.

GlobalUnion has successfully increased the disposable income of more than 10 000 workers by more than 151 TP3T for several years,This is actually three times the 5% wage increase achieved by the Spring Struggle for the first time in 33 years.Outgoing.

Real wage increases due to union activities

The trend towards allowing side jobs rather than making management efforts to increase labour costs through higher wages has also encouraged an increase in the number of workers taking on second jobs. However, it is not...Fundamental economic interests of workersCan we say that this is conducive to

Support for workers' economic activities

It provides comprehensive support for domestic workers as well as for the livelihoods of overseas workers,To ensure that workers around the world can work comfortably in a healthy working environment.Activities.




NameGlobal Union
Cambodia branch253,NA, Sansam Kosal Pir, Boeng Tumpun1, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
PartnerDacheng Law Office
15th/16th Floor, Shanghai Tower 501 Yincheng Road M Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 China
RepresentativeKeng Socheat, Cambodia Branch Manager
External MentorRyoji BabaWebsite
en_GBEnglish (UK)